Welcome to the Volusia Beach Pass website. This website is designed for the purchasing of vouchers; a pre-payment redeemable for the annual passes at any of our Beach or Park Toll Booth locations.
When you make a purchase, you will receive two emails. One is your receipt, and one is your voucher. You will present the voucher as your form of payment when you are at the Toll Booth.
In addition, you will still be required to show the proper documentation at the Toll Booth to prove vehicle registration/ownership, and whether you are a Volusia County resident or visitor.
The Toll Collector will then issue your Annual Pass and place it on the windshield. Your annual pass will be valid for 365 days from the day you redeem this voucher.
You will notice the Annual Pass no longer has an effective year printed on them. They are "renewable" and can be reactivated.
Your renewable pass is designed to last several years, so there is no need for removal. If your pass becomes worn, our Toll Collectors will replace it for you at your time of renewal.
Once your renewable pass is issued to your vehicle, it is a good practice to keep your receipt in a safe place. This will contain your pass number and license plate in the event you need a replacement, such as a broken windshield or new vehicle. We then can verify your purchase and replace the pass at no charge.
Please Note: None of the Annual Passes displayed here may be purchased and affixed to rental vehicles. All vehicles must have a valid motor vehicle registration in the owner’s name.
ADA disclaimer:
Valid Handicap-Registered vehicles are not charged a beach or park toll. Persons with handicap license plates are issued a sticker for their vehicle or may receive a complimentary Daily Pass ticket in lieu of the sticker if they choose. Persons with a placard are issued a Daily Pass ticket.
Military Discounts
Effective July 1st, 2016, in response to Florida Senate Bill 1202, the County has decided to initiate a discount for Park Entrance Fees as it relates to certain groups of Veterans, the spouse and parents of certain deceased military members and Family members of fallen first responders such as law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics.
Toll Collectors will use the "Military Discount" code which will give eligible patrons 50% off on the Park entrance fee portion of a purchase. There is no discount on beach only passes of any type. This would involve the following adjustments:
Pass | Regular Price | Discount | New Price |
Military Daily Park | $10.00 | $5.00 | $5.00 |
Military Annual Park | $20.00 | $10.00 | $10.00 |
Military Annual Resident Combo | $45.00 | $10.00 | $35.00 |
Military Annual Visitor Combo | $120.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 |
For those that qualify, military discounts can only be given upon request when purchasing your pass at a Toll Booth location. This site will not allow a discount to be applied when purchasing a voucher online.
You can go directly to a Toll Booth Location to make your purchase using cash or credit and receive the discount.
Military discounts are available when purchasing a Daily Park ticket, Annual Inlet Parks pass, or an Annual Resident or Visitor Combo pass.
The discount does not apply to a Daily Beach ticket, or Annual Resident or Visitor Beach pass.
Daily Beach Ticket – Upgrade Credit
The purchase price for “one” Daily Beach Ticket may be used as credit towards the purchase of an Annual Beach or Annual Combo pass. The ticket must be in good condition and scannable at a Toll Booth, by the Toll Collector.
The ticket must be redeemed within 30 days of the purchase date or will be void. This upgrade credit feature does not apply to Inlet Park daily tickets or Annual Park pass purchases.
This site will not allow a discount to be applied when purchasing a voucher online.
You can go directly to a Toll Booth Location with your Daily Beach Ticket to make your purchase using cash or credit, not a voucher, and receive the discount.